
"Eighteenth-Century Literary Portraits: the Repurposing of a Seventeenth-Century Socialite Practice"

"Eighteenth-Century Literary Portraits: the Repurposing of a Seventeenth-Century Socialite Practice"

In this article I move away from the traditional approach to the Enlightenment as a break from past practices and traditions. Using recent research on description in the late 17th-century and in the Enlightenment, I consider instead the ways in which 18th-century novelists borrowed and repurposed 17th-century practices.

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Le portrait au XVIIe siècle : entre représentation de soi et jeu des apparences

Le portrait au XVIIe siècle : entre représentation de soi et jeu des apparences

Mon étude de cas portera sur les stratégies représentatives mises en place par Fénelon dans le Télémaque (1699), où, afin d’enseigner à son disciple, le Duc de Bourgogne, à distinguer les courtisans fiables des courtisans déloyaux, il transforme le portrait mondain en un outil didactique et épistémologique.

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Caribbean Witches and Zombies Decolonizing Empires

Caribbean Witches and Zombies Decolonizing Empires

In this paper I will analyse two works, I, Tituba, Black Witch of Salem, a 1986 novel by the Francophone author Maryse Condé (1937-) and the all-new “Netflix Original” French TV-series La Révolution (2020). Both fictions go back to momentous historical events, such as the Salem Witch Trials (1692-93) and the French Revolution (1789) with the explicit goal of re-telling history from the angle of the oppressed.

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